E TRON’s patented technology is superior to existing F-T GTL approaches because of the following factors:
- Lower plant cost
- One-time design for modules and reactor
- Faster plant commissioning
- Easier integration with existing facilities
- Easily scalable from micro-plant to massive plant
- Smaller footprint
- Lower energy/operating requirement
- Lower emissions
- Lower environmental impact on deployment sites
- Smaller investment means reduced risk
- More suitable for remote locations
- Applicable to solutions in water treatment
- Modular investment options
E TRON’s GTL process has been tested and demonstrated over the past seven years by recognized leaders in the electron beam accelerator industry through pilot programs that have confirmed E TRON to outperform other GTL systems in controlled test scenarios.
System specifications:
· Energy requirement: 0.6-1.2 Mev
· Beam power: 400 kW
· Beam current: 500 mA
· Irradiators: 2-3 (130-200mA)
· Double extraction window width: up to 2m
· Discharge projection: effective
· Scanning rate: high frequency